Best places to stay for a weekend break in the UK, page 3 54 Boutique Hôtels

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The Bell, Alderminster
Superbe — 9/10
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster
The Bell, Alderminster

The Bell, Alderminster ★★★★

Stratford-upon-Avon — Warwickshire, Royaume-Uni Voir sur la carte
9 chambres
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Cliveden House
Superbe — 8,7/10
♥︎ Coup de Coeur
Cliveden House
Cliveden House
Cliveden House
Cliveden House
Cliveden House
Cliveden House
Cliveden House

Cliveden House ★★★★★

Taplow — Berkshire, Royaume-Uni Voir sur la carte
39 chambres
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King John Inn
Très Bien — 8,5/10
King John Inn
King John Inn
King John Inn
King John Inn
King John Inn
King John Inn
King John Inn

King John Inn ★★★★

Tollard Royal — Wiltshire, Royaume-Uni Voir sur la carte
8 chambres
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The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel
The St Enodoc Hotel

The St Enodoc Hotel ★★★★

Wadebridge — Royaume-Uni Voir sur la carte
5 chambres
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